Monday, July 13, 2009

Lack of Preventive Health Care Services for Older Generations

It is evident that there are numerous initiatives to educate the younger generation on health care services and precautions, but programs targeting the older populations are more sparse. There are many things I think the public sector of health care can do to make an impact on the health of elder generations through preventive health awareness. There are also many reasons that I think preventive services are not geared toward the elder population which include their stubbornness and other convenience factors.
If preventive health care precautions were advertised more for elder generations, I think they would make a big difference in health care. If preventive services targeted different elders based on geographic location and ethnic boundaries, many changes could be made. For example, if Latino and Asian cultures were given preventive classes on eating and cooking properly, they would know, and be able to demonstrate proper servings of rices, and how took food with flavor and without the fat. This applies to all cultures, as each has different issues, in relation to health care, that if properly educated on, the community could collectively make better, prolonging, decisions. This applies to other issues, such as smoking, and stress management. If elder generations were taught the proper way to manage these issues, changes could be made, to enhance their quality of life. A lot of elders could learn a lot if primary physicians and specialist, were trained in treating the problem before it submerges. Making a night in a community center for elders to do healthy cooking demonstrations, or stress management classes could make a notable change in communities.
I understand some boundaries of making preventive health care a priority. Elders are often thought of as being stubborn, therefore their way (that they have been doing for generations) is the most effective and comfortable way. Granted, a lot of remedies passed down from our ancestors are the most effective way to fix problems, elders have to understand that there are many way to make it so that there never is a problem. People, health care providers, family, and friends, should encourage elders to step out of their comfort zone, and try to increase the quality of life with medically effective solutions. Other barriers that effect elders from utilizing preventive services include those of convenience, like time and location. A lot of the elder generation do not drive, they can not all speak English, nor do they always have that same time free each day of the week. It is unfortunate that these small things are hindering beneficial services to elders in our communities, but it is happening. Funding is not available for transportation services, nor are people willing to take liabilities my housing these functions within their facilities.
I encourage older people to encourage their families and educate them as I have. Tell your grandmother and grandfather that simply lifting a can of peas above your head five times each day can make them stronger, and maintain strength. Encourage them to walk daily, and for them to tell their friends and neighbors to do the same. Tell them to gather a group of friends for a nice healthy dinner. Activities such as gardening or painting can also enhance the quality of ones life. It is our generation that will be next, so do as you want those that follow us to do, and offer support and education.